Michigan Legal Help has tools and information to help you understand and manage your legal problems.
The Clinical Programs at Michigan Law provide legal services to members of the community in a variety of areas, as described below. For a brief explanation of and the opportunity to leave a voicemail with each clinic, please call (734) 764-7700.
The Washtenaw County Bar Association operates a Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS). Since its creation in 1982.
Call 734-996-3229 and state that you need a lawyer referral. You will speak briefly and confidentially with one of our staff members about your matter to determine what type of lawyer you need. There is a $30 administrative fee for the service which must be prepaid.
Directory for basic needs, supplies, and resources for residents in Washtenaw County.
The Fair Housing Center of Southeast & Mid Michigan (FHC) is ready to help with any housing discrimination issue. In pursuit of our mission to end discrimination in housing and public accommodations and to promote accessible, integrated communities, our office.
A statewide directory of basic needs, supplies, and resources for all Michigan residents.